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The Queen Lisa Lee Story

Writer: JayQuanJayQuan

By Troy L. Smith


Troy L. Smith - In history you have Nefertiti Queen of Egypt, Makeba Queen of Sheba and then there's Lisa Lee Queen of hip hop! Lisa Lee no doubt, the Queen. When record producer Paul Winley sent that record Zulu Throwdown to the world, and the record got to the second chorus and you heard the Cosmic Force fellas say,

“Roll Call, check out the way we introduce ourselves” and you hear:

“Lisa Lee from the top of the key,

you know I’m guaranteed to be the Queen of emcees!”

What? Many live party tapes in circulation at that time would often cut to that part over and over just to hear that beautiful female sound of hip hop. Lisa Lee is on paper (flyers) and memory as one of the first female emcee’s in a music genre of men and wolves watching and waiting, while Lisa Lee was excelling as a real emcee, not as eye candy, but a force around Warriors and she was their Queen, our Queen, Lisa Lee and this is her story.


Troy- First things first Lisa Lee, where were you born and raised?

Lisa Lee- I was born in the Bronx, New York. Raised in the south east over in Lafayette Story Avenue.

Troy- Would that be close to Sound View Projects?

Lisa- Exactly, yes it is.

Troy- What was it like growing up in your neighborhood before you heard hip hop?

Lisa- Well we didn't have a recreation center in Lafayette at the time. My father who is retired use to play for the New York Giants in the 1960's, so he got us involved with sports and I was on the track team at my school and I also played softball and basketball. So I was always involved with sports to keep me out of the streets because at that time the Black Spades were around and it was kind of rough. If you weren’t in a gang basically you were getting beat up.

Troy- I hear you. So how many brothers and sisters do you have?

Lisa- Two brothers, no sisters,  I am in the middle.

Lisa Lee,Baby Biggs, Sabu

Troy- The Black Spades covered a lot of ground. They were on your side of town of the Bronx as well as over in the South Bronx in Patterson Projects and other places.  

Lisa- Well I was only 11,12, 13 during the time of the Black Spades so I only knew my neighborhood. I didn't really venture out until I started going to Bronx River projects when I turned 13.

Troy- Okay. So when did you first get this taste of hip hop?

Lisa- I was 12 years old and they use to have parties at junior high school 123 and I use to sneak over there and take my 10 year old brother over there with me. That was how I got my first taste. At 12 I was writing rhymes. When I turned 13 years old I went over to the turntables and asked them if I could get on the mic and they let me and two weeks later my name was on the flyer!

Troy- What, at 13 years old! But listen when you were 12 who inspired you, a d.j. or an m.c?

Lisa-  (Lisa takes a pause.) Ah let me think. I know when I went to junior high school it was Disco King Mario and Bambaataa. I would have to say Biggs! I remember Biggs, Mr. Biggs. I truly can't remember anyone else at that time. I am sure it was two or three other guys but I don't want to say a name because I am not totally sure who it was but I remember Biggs being one of them.

Mr. Biggs

Troy- So when you came out there you seen two record players, not one?

Lisa- That is correct.

Troy- So when you seen these guys were they rhyming or just talking over records?

Lisa- They rhymed.

Troy- So would you say Biggs was the one that inspired you to want to write rhymes?

Lisa- No. When I turned 11 years old I got my dad to buy some turntables. You know Troy it's so funny I cannot tell you who I heard. I am going to have to go with Mario and Bambaataa at the parks for me to want to have turntables. This is strange, now that you asking me these questions I never thought about who inspired me lyrically to write a rhyme and I have been thinking about it since you gave me the questions early this month. I guess it would have to be Biggs and Star Ski, but Star Ski didn't really rhyme he was more like a crowd pleaser.

Troy- Well how was he pleasing the crowd?

Lisa- Mostly doing his “Ba, di, di, ba” thing as well as shout outs and, “Let me hear you say ho and aw!” But I don't remember him rhyming.

Troy- Okay. Did you hear Mario before you heard Bam?

Lisa- No, I remember the two of them being there the night I showed up.

Troy- To be honest you had no inspiration to get on the mic as far as other females before you because no one was before you, you were the first in your neighborhood right?

Lisa- That is correct. I had never heard a female, but that was just something I wanted to do

and when I went to 123 to get on, my name was on the flyer two weeks later.

Troy- So how did the neighborhood treat you after your debut on the mic after your name appeared on your first flyer.

Lisa- Everything changed in my neighborhood, as everyone looked at me differently and spoke to me in a different matter being as I was now with the Organization because by this time they were the Organization and not the Spades. They were more trying to be a part of peace and not fighting, as well Bam was trying to change his ways but as far as how the block and other blocks seen me I had a whole lot more respect and I didn't have to worry about any issues or problems any more. Plus people looked at me different like... like I was a rapper. And now that my name was on this flyer people would just look at me and say, "You rhyme?"

Not her first flyer

Troy- Right.

Lisa- And so they would be pretty shocked! Troy I remember my brother running home with the flyer in his hand showing me my name on the flyer and we just started jumping around in the house excited. Me and my brother then took it downstairs and posted it in the lobby of my building so people could see it.

Troy- Did you know you were going to be on that flyer?

Lisa- Not at all.

Troy- So did Bam have to come over to your house to speak to your mother or father about you hanging out with the crew like that? I ask that question because Bam had to meet Master Ice and Sundance mother before they could officially be down and not have to sneak out the house any longer.

Lisa - Well my father raised us and being as he was always working we were kind of on our own so that made it easier for me to sneak out and go to the jams and I guess that was how I got so close to the crew because they became my family, my street family.


Troy- Okay. So you are now a part of the music but did you ever venture off to the Westside of the Bronx to hear Kool Herc and see what he was about? I know you said you never heard about him before you got on the mic but when you did, did you consider going to see him?

Lisa- I eventually did hear about him but I never ventured out to go see him because I was very, very close with Bam and the rest of the crew. We would be up in Bronx River projects, that was our turf but we went to other places and where ever Bam went I went. If Herc came to our area then I went but I didn't travel like to Herc's area because I was still pretty young. But I really stuck close to Bam. I would go see Mario when he came out side because he was kind of close by in Bronxdale. I waited till I got older to see Herc.

Lisa & her father Mr. Counts

Troy- Did Mario ever try to recruit you being as you were close by him?

Lisa- Never, no one ever tried to step on Bam’s toes.

Troy- (Troy laughs.) I heard Mario was no joke either!

Lisa- Nah Mario was nice.

Troy- So what was the relationship between you and Bam being as he had you by at least five or six years in age difference? 

Lisa- yes. We spent a lot of time at Bam's house when we were younger, we always use to go over there. We had meetings at his house. Me and this girl name Debra were the head of the

Zulu Queens as well as a young lady name PACE who passed away, may she rest in peace. We were the President, Vice President and Treasurer.  We held meetings weekly as well as collected dues and tried to have more of an organized thing going on between us where we practiced not fighting and having more group things and coming to the center and having more positive things going on for ourselves. By this time I was about 15 years old. Growing up in the streets, you grew up pretty fast and I guess Bam seen something in me that he gave me a lot of leeway as far as having people listen to me and follow behind me and do what I said and believe it or not they really did what I said. Also Bam was a very good educator so he had a lot of people follow behind him and listen to what he had to say and it was a lot of us and everybody listened to him. His words were pretty strong.

Troy- So what was the mystic about Bambattaa? What was the mystic about him that he had so many really tough guys following behind him but they wouldn't move if he said, "No, chill don't do nothing." They wouldn't move but if he was ready to get busy they would be ready to clobber somebody. What was that about him?

Lisa- Isn't that something! I wish I knew what it was about him but some people just have that aura that people listen. He educated himself in some way and I guess it's who you are and he just had that way about him that made people listen to what he said. I guess when you living in the streets in that life it doesn't matter how tough you are or you don't mind doing these horrible things to people I am sure everybody want some peace in their life.

Troy- Peace of mind, right.

Lisa- Yeah and if Bam is offering that there is a way for us to still protect ourselves and you don't have to punk down, but there is a way for us to actually have peace as a whole as a group as an organization. Who wouldn't want that? So I think that made people listen, like, "You mean you can actually do this, we can still protect where we are from and still be the man that we are but we can move peacefully? Wow and enjoy some good times in a party with music, you mean that's possible." I guess people would try to see if that is possible.

Troy- Okay. So you caught Bam after he found a change in his life for the positive?

Lisa- When I first got to be around him Black Spades still existed but they were going into the Organization.  So I did get me a Black Spade jacket, but I don't remember wearing it that often. But I do remember a couple of times at night they would call us to go and fight or whatever. I can remember getting that phone call two or three o'clock in the morning and somebody telling me I need to come on because we got a problem.

Troy- And you guys would actually have these wars right out in the streets or baseball field etc?

Lisa- Oh yeah. I can't remember all the gangs we went against but I do remember wanting to be a part of that. I remember getting initiated in the Organization and getting beat up and having to deal with the getting beat up!

Troy- So you went through the gauntlet?

Lisa- Oh yeah, I got the s--- beat out of me!

Troy- I hear you, I never figured that Lisa. For real, God bless you on that. I would never had thought that. So now through all that gang violence and treachery Bam was still able to pull himself away from that and that's a beautiful thing

Lisa- But how did he change people's mind when that was all they knew? Because a lot of them were a lot older and so their mind was all ready set on that was how they were going to live.

Troy- Right.

Lisa- So for him to change people, like groups and groups and groups of people, housing projects full of people, get projects to come together and actually talk peace.

Troy- You are exactly right. So during those early days how many members were under Bam? And I am not talking about today because the count is now worldwide but just during that time of the late 70's early 80's?

Lisa- (Lisa Lee pause's for a moment.) I wasn't that involved in knowing the count of how many were with us or where everybody existed because you have to remember I was still very young at that time so I was just focused on getting girls to join and getting the females to come together and try and defend Bronx River which I was a part of. I didn't role with Lafayette. So I was trying to get us together so Bronxdale girls can't come over there and fight us or Castle Hill girls can't come over and do anything to us. If one of us had a problem then we would go over there because we were still fighting at that time and it was about protecting ourselves. Not to start fights but protect your own.

Troy- Growing up for me I always heard about the Fellas and the Zulu Nation I never ever

heard anything about the women. Later on in maybe the last five or ten years I heard about the Zulu Queens. But is it correct to say in Bronx River or the east south Bronx The Zulu Queens were very much known?

Lisa- Yes that would be correct to say, we wouldn't' have gotten French star jackets made up with our names on it and I have always been called Zulu Queen Lisa Lee.

Troy- How many members were in the Zulu Queens?

Lisa- About 20 to 30.

Troy- I am amazed that any other project would want to go against you when you have the Black Spades right behind you.

Lisa- Well they got whoever they got, and those guys are on the block selling drugs I am sure they thought they were a lot tougher then somebody named Zulu or Black Spades or something. I am sure every project had a name for themselves.

Troy- Your right, you make a good point.

Lisa- And they got guns too, I am sure everybody thought they were tough.

Troy- Well let me tell you this, me living in Harlem on 125th street in the Grant projects I never heard about anybody the way I heard about the Zulu Nation, Black Spades, Casanova's and maybe The 9! (Note to the reader: The next big gangs or crews I did hear about were the Ball Busters a Latin crew and the Cigar Mob a black crew, but no one's name was as big as The Zulu Nation after the Black Spades through possibly all five boroughs and later world wide.)

Troy- Okay now from the Black Spades Bambastaa changed the name to the Organization and then Zulu Nation?

Lisa- Yes, that is correct.

Troy- So on the hip hop side was there a name that you and the fellas called yourselves before you were the Soul Sonic Force and later you becoming The Cosmic Force because there was a whole bunch of ya'll?

Lisa- Yes it was a bunch of us and we had no name. Then one day we had the name Soul Sonic Force. Then it got to a point where there were 9 of us and Biggs wanted their little group and they just did not include me.

Troy- Well I am glad your clearing that part up because I was told you were actually a member of the Soul Sonic Force and the day you were suppose to show up for the making of Planet Rock you got the days mixed up and you showed up instead for Cosmic Force's Zulu Nation Throw Down. (After further investigating this theory there was no way Lisa Lee could have gotten the days mixed up because Zulu Nation Throw Down was done way before Planet Rock.)

Lisa Lee- (Lisa starts chuckling.) Well I don't remember it going that way. I remember them saying well you are going to be with that group now and they're going to record this thing and we got separated in groups.

Troy- So how did you feel about that once you got taken from Soul Sonic and placed in Cosmic Force?


Lisa- Well at first I felt some sort of way but Ikey Cee was such a good organizer and business man that I was cool about it. We could have went a lot of places if all of us were more into it at that age. Chubb and everybody wanted their own personnel lives.  We weren't into it like Pow Wow and Biggs were into it and maybe they saw that in me, that I wasn't as dedicated as them. I'm just talking now because I don't really know what's going through their mind.

Troy- Me personally I thought you were one of the best emcee’s of Zulu next to Pow Wow coming out of Cosmic and Soul Sonic Force and the rest of the Zulu emcee’s of that time.

Lisa- Thank you very much.

Troy- So was it Biggs that said turn it into two groups?

Lisa- Well Bam always... (Lisa chuckles.) Bam is a smart man. Bam always talked through other people to let them tell the bad stuff. I'm sure anything that went down Bam played a part in it. There's no doubt in my mind that if he said, "No it’s going to stay this way" and it's Bam's group then that's how it's going to stay.

Troy- Right. So do you remember battling any one like The K Konnecton with D.J. Kenny Ken and his m.c.s?

Lisa- I don't remember battling like that, like if the guys battled I wasn't a part of it. I just got up there and it was always the same, the show would be going on all night and I would have my one segment and they would play Seven Minutes of Funk or Catch a Groove or certain songs and that would be my cue to go up there and do my thing. If all the guys were on the stage and me it would not be my turn until those records came on. We had about 3 routines we all did at the same time that we organized. But it was so many of us that we never really had routines until we split into Soul Sonic and Cosmic. In Cosmic Force we always had routines, that was how we rolled. Even then I had my time where they played these couple of songs that I would always rhyme off of. So if you listen to your tapes again you will notice it.


Troy- I hear you. So those were just your favorite records at the time.

Lisa- Right, Apache was another one. Smitty Dee would always be on the echo for us and he always knew how to do it for me when I got on. As far as D.J. Kenny Ken yes I remember him and we did parties with him and he was a real good person.

Troy- So what inspired your writing of rhymes?

Lisa- (Lisa pauses for a while thinking.)

Troy- The reason why I say that is because you were the only female in your neighborhood, did you look at R&B singers as your inspiration or Angela Davis from the Black Panthers or Nikki Giovanni as anything to inspire you?

Lisa- No I just always had a thing for music, I listened to a lot of the Sylvers and Jackson Five. A also listened to James Brown but as far as females I didn't really have anybody like that. I just felt within myself that I could rhyme and put together some stuff. I had a Gilligan island rhyme and that came because I watched a lot of t.v. and if I like the hymn on it I would put a rhyme to it.

Troy- Okay. I have seen a lot of flyers in the early years where Bam is doing dedication parties to people like James Brown and Sly of the family Stone, did Sly or James Brown actually come over to Bronx River?

Lisa- No, those were his inspirations. Those are entertainers who inspired him. He followed their music and he loved their music. That was where he got the idea for the dressing and the wild cloths, he really liked those people. As years went on he made it his business to meet them in passing if possible. But as far as them coming to Bronx River no! Bam probably was hoping that they would come through. (Lisa Lee chuckles.)  

Troy- Well what about the Cozy Corner? I heard it was kind of violent over there but by any chance guys like James Brown or Sly came through? I heard guys like Joe Frazier and other known celebrities have walked through the door.

Lisa- It's very possible that they came through there because the Cozy Corner was very well known and a lot of big time drug dealers came through as well as well as some pretty famous people. I was too young to be in there but I did hang around it but I didn't go in there.

Troy- Okay, so how did you and Sha Rock get so cool?


Lisa Lee- We did a show together. Funky Four with Breakout and Baron did a show with Bam at Stevenson High school together. She heard about me and I heard about her, but I never heard her rhyme on the mic. So they decided to put both us on the mic at that same time instead of when Breakout does his music or Bam does his and we be separate with our groups. They figured just put us on together and just go back and forth. So we went back and forth and people fell in love with it. Sha was just always... a nice person. She didn't come from any type of violence or fighting like where I came from, so she was just so easy to get along with. So we decided that every time we had a show together we were going to rap on the mic together... From then on we always stayed in touch. It was weird because we never had a bad bone. We had so much fun that night and it went so smooth that we exchanged house numbers and told each other where we lived and we became friends and just hung out with each other after that and when we had a show we would say what we were going to do. We had completely different styles but we just became best friends.

Troy- So did the two of you ever think about making your own crew, and did you ever do shows where it was just you and Sha Rock?

Lisa Lee- Never. Both of us were definitely dedicated to who we were with. There was no way of taking me away from the Zulu's and no taking her away from who she was with. Never did we ever think like that.

Troy- So that kind of already answered my next question, did you two ever think about joining The Mercedes Ladies, and what was your relationship with them?

Lisa Lee- I didn't have a relationship with them but Sha did. That was her friends. I never stepped outside of my box. Sha Rock was the only female I came across and had any dealings with. But I did hear about them a few years after I got on the mic. But I have never followed them or listened to them or attempted to go and hear them rap. I just never paid them any mind back then and I guess because no one ever compared me with them and I guess that is because there is more than one of them.

Troy- Okay, and I understand it was more your loyalty to Zulu. Okay so why did Cosmic Force resist going to Enjoy and Sugar Hill Records?

Lisa Lee- I don't know but I know we went out there a few times but it just never worked but I know it was always a problem with Sylvia and money, I know that. But the big picture I couldn't tell you.

Troy- So you guys actually went to Jersey and went to the studio and tried to do a track, put some music down?

Lisa Lee- Yes, and I wonder if I can find a picture of us in the studio but we were in the studio and we did do some recording, but whatever happen to it I don't know.

Troy- How do you feel about the recording you did that day at Sugar Hill Records? Do you feel like it was real high powered good material?

Lisa Lee- (Lisa pauses for a moment to think back.) It was...okay. I don't remember a lot being put into it. Nor do I remember a whole lot of people making sure everything went correct. I do remember we were in there all day long trying to put stuff together and I guess it never mounted to anything.

Troy- That day at Sugar Hill Records was that a combination of Soul Sonic, Cosmic or just you and Cosmic Force?

Lisa Lee- See now you bringing up stuff that is making me think because I have some pictures of me and Sha Rock out there as well.

Troy- What, you blowing my mind now! You and her doing something together had to be nice.

Sha Rock & Lisa Lee

Lisa Lee- And Sha has the memory like a freaking elephant, if I ask her she would know what we were doing because me and her took plenty of pictures of ourselves that day.

Troy- You don't think that had anything to do with the US Girls?


Lisa Lee- No, US Girls had nothing to do with anything except we showed up at Roxy's that day with our crews and Harry Belafonte was not interested in the crews he was only interested in three females so he picked me from my crew, picked Sha from her crew and I don't know who Debbie Dee was with at that time. So Mr. Belafonte said either you girls get together and make a group or I will find three other girls and we all said we want to be with our groups and he said I understand and I love the fact that you are dedicated, but this is what it is and from there we formed a group out of that.

Troy- You, Sha Rock and Debbie Dee were able to do that over night or that day?

Lisa Lee- Nah not over night but he gave us 24 hours to think about it, so we all talked about it with our people and we all had to make a conscious decision, are we going to pass up this opportunity or are we going to get together as a group.

Troy- Did anything come from it afterwards?

Lisa Lee- Yeah we were real good with that as far as being internationally known and money wise. Harry Belafonte took care of everyone. He made sure he did everything the right way. Sha Rock did her thing off of that. I am sure I could have but I wasn't interested in traveling like that. Debbie Dee became a Pastor and wrote a couple of books and is very much into the ministry.

Troy- Interesting, I didn't know that about Debbie Dee and this is the same Debbie Dee that ran with the Jazzy 5? (They came out about the same time as the Zulu Nation's Jazzy 5. The other members were Jazzy Ace, Busy E, Sinister Rock, Darrell Dee, D.J. Master Plan Rany Ran and Patty Duke. This group also came out of the Bronx)

Lisa- To be honest I didn't know who she was with! When she came over to me and Sha to talk about being in the group we never heard of her.

Us Girls

Troy- Isn't that something, I am surprised to hear that because being in such a tight world of early hip hop as opposed to today and there being over what seems like a million m.c.s. But during that time there might have been thirty to forty totally known m.c.s and d.js across the five boroughs.

Lisa Lee- But you got people that stayed in their community that don't go outside or just didn't try to figure out who is who but tried to figure out who you have and who you are with and I was one of  those. I didn't care about the rest of them, all I cared about was us.

Troy- I see, you were totally loyal to your crew. So how did that make you feel when you seen yourself on the big screen when the movie came out?

Lisa Lee- Well you know I did Wild Style and we traveled to Paris for Beat Street.

Troy- I am terribly sorry for forgetting about that, you were one of the main stars in Wild Style.

Lisa Lee- Well they beat me in the head financially, I still made a little something off of Wild Style but working with Harry Belafonte was a different vibe and the way people viewed the movie was different as well as the type of clientele of people he had viewing the movie was different.

Troy- So how was it working with Harry Belafonte?

Lisa Lee- Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful. Beautiful.

Troy- Yes he seems like a good man.

Lisa Lee- Yes he is wonderful, the best I can't say nothing but good things about that man. He would come on the scene and talk with you personally, like he wanted personal involvement and everything. When they were interviewing us and doing auditions he was in the room actually being a part of the auditions, I thought that was important. I thought that was good that he came to New York to do that with us. He didn't have to, he had plenty of people that could have done that for him. But he wanted to be hands on with it and I thought that was great. For him to come shake our hands and tell us how important it was for him to do this film and how much he wanted to help everyone I thought that was great of him.

Troy- Right. So back to you and Sha Rock up in Sugar Hill studio, was there a time when you and her were about to make a record with Sugar Hill Records.

Lisa Lee- I don't even want to go there Troy. (We both start laughing.) I really don't remember what we were doing when we were there.

Troy- So what bought on the first record with Cosmic Force?

Lisa Lee- Well me, Ikey, Ice and Chub always liked to sing, well we thought we can sing. (Lisa chuckles.) And like I said earlier Ikey always was the person who was looking at the big picture. He was like we can make a record, we can go on tour, we could do this, we could do that. Ikey Cee saw opportunity and he pressed us to do a record with Paul Winley.

Troy- Where did the band come from and why not two turntables and Bambaataa to D.J.?

Lisa Lee- I don't know the answer to that one.

Troy- So what was the deal about the second record Cosmic Force did, called Cosmic Punk Jam?

Lisa Lee- You are going to have to remind me about that one Troy because I don't remember that one.

Troy- Well I asked Chubby Chub about that and he said you and him weren't on it. But Ikey Cee and Ice Ice were on it but also some new guy got down on it.

Lisa Lee- That's why I don't know anything about it.  

Troy- So how long did you last before you stepped away from the game?


Lisa- I left New York in 1989. I stopped doing that because I was in the streets hustling, doing things I had no business doing, things were so crooked I lost all focus of that other stuff, it just wasn't as important.

Troy- So you left in 1989 but did you stop rhyming even before 1989?

Lisa- Yeah, I had my son in 1982 so I probably stopped around 1986.

Troy- And before you stopped it you were mostly involved with the Zulu Nation anniversary's?

Lisa- Right.

Troy- Now after all these years have gone by how do you look at hip hop today being as you were part of the birth of it, especially in your section of the Bronx?

Lisa- The way things are going and record sales are going down I see if the rappers don't make a change they will not evolve. The perception they are giving people, the message they are giving people as well as children, something has to change. I don't think the world is going to keep on putting up with that, the records don't make any sense. (Lisa Lee starts laughing.) It's hard for me to play a lot of rap now a days and I hate to say that because I don't like to talk bad about anyone but if my grand kids are repeating it I am not happy with it.

Troy- Is there anyone you listen to today other than Jay Z?

Lisa- I listen to Drake. ( Lisa Lee chuckles.) I like Drake. He sings a lot but I like him. He sings, he tells stories, i mean he got his little mess with him because he is down with Wayne and them but I enjoy him. I don't really listen to anyone else.

Troy- Alright being as you are an elder statesmen as well as one of the Queens of Hip Hop, over the years has any one of these other female m.c.s come to you, to talk to you?

Lisa Lee- Never, never

Troy- Never?

Lisa Lee- Nope, I tried to reach out to Queen Latifah a few times but nah never. I think because Salt and Pepa had been called the first females, as well as Queen Latifah being called the first and for them to come and reach out to me when they been telling a lie and they know the truth. I have reached out to people like Fab 5 Freddy who has been there with me but I have heard him say they are the first and when I go say something to him and then he tells me he is sorry its politics and he can't get involved. Did that hurt my feelings, him not involving me? A lot know.

Troy- Good point. After the 2003 MTV Hip hop awards show I asked him one day what was Vivica Fox doing up there. He said the show has to sell to keep coming on t.v. each year, so to sell they needed some names that would continue to draw the crowd. Being as I always speak about the legends and pioneers of hip hop I said to Fred I hope they try harder to sprinkle in those real legends. So I understood what you said Lisa, as well as what Fred said about the politics. But that t.v. show like others are just like the history books in school, that history is forever and people will take that information like it's the gospel.

Lisa Lee- So indeed.

Troy- Thank you Lisa Lee for taking us there, you are truly a Legend and a member of the first 50 years of Hip Hop. Thank you so much.

Lisa Lee- No problem Troy.



Thank you all for taking the time out to read this piece. I also want to thank JayQuan for giving this interview a place to be seen. Thank you My Brother. I want to thank You Lord for You being You. I also want to thank the Lord for my Beautiful wife India and my children London, L’Oreal, Artavia, L.A., Shemar and Troy Jr.



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